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The Personal Histories Project


Centennial of the Archaeology and Anthropology Tripos

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100 Years of Arch & Anth: Reflections on Past, Present and Future

27-28 February 2015

Celebrate the Centennial of the Archaeology and Anthropology Tripos at the University of Cambridge on 27th and 28th February 2015 on Downing Site at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and at Magdalene College, Cambridge!

You are invited to a large gathering of all Arch and Anth Alumni and guests on the 27th and 28th February 2015. The event will open on the Friday evening of the 27th February with a wine reception in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. This will be followed by the all-day celebration of the Centennial of the undergraduate degree on Saturday 28th February 2015 at Magdalene College in the Cripps Conference Centre, starting at 9.30am and closing with an evening Formal Hall in Magdalene and St John's Colleges.

All welcome, particularly Graduates of the Tripos!

In 1915, Miles Burkitt offered to lecture on prehistoric archaeology as part of the first undergraduate degree in Archaeology and Anthropology in the UK, under the Cambridge Board for Anthropological Studies. This seminal Tripos of Archaeology and Anthropology went on to become well-known and honoured worldwide for its graduates over 100 years, with an impact that makes it one of the most successful degrees of the University of Cambridge. This year, 2015, is our Centennial. From this year, all the spirit and substance of Arch and Anth will continue towards the next Centennial, as an important and distinctive pathway within a new degree called 'Human, Social and Political Science'. Further developments will also be announced on the 28th February.

The day of celebrations will consist of many Personal Histories panels arranged by theme and generation, discussing their memories, as they progressed through their lives.  Current participants are expected to include: Peter Addyman (York), Marcus Banks (Oxford), Alan Bilsborough (Durham), Graeme Barker (Cambridge), Mary Bouquet (Utrecht), Matt Candea (Cambridge), David Chivers (Cambridge), Kate Clark (CADW), Tim Clutton-Brock (Cambridge), Barry Cunliffe (Oxford), Christopher Dobbs (Portsmouth),  Brian Fagan (Santa Barbara), Andrew Fleming (Trinity St David), Robert Foley (Cambridge), Michael Herzfeld (Harvard),  Steve Hugh-Jones (Cambridge),  Carrie Humphrey (Cambridge), Tim Ingold (Aberdeen), Paul Lane (Uppsala),  Jean La Fontaine (London), Caroline Malone (Belfast), John Mulvaney (Canberra), Kate Pretty (Scotland),  Colin Renfrew (Cambridge), Hilary Richardson, Peter Robertshaw (San Bernardino), Christopher Scarre (Durham),  Simon Stoddart (Cambridge),  Debbie Swallow (London), Tim Taylor (Vienna),  Ian Tattersall (New York), Ruth Whitehouse (London), David Wilson (Isle of Man).

The celebrations will include:

Friday 27th February

2.00 pm onwards

Gallery Talks in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

                    14:00 Nicholas Thomas - MAA: past, present, future (ground floor)

                    14:30 Jody Joy - Cambridge archaeology (ground floor)

                    15:00 Mark Elliott - MAA and Asia (first floor)

                    15:30 Anita Herle - Haddon, the Museum and anthropology in Cambridge (first floor)

                    16:00 Julie Adams - A World War One story (ground floor)

                    16:30 Chris Wingfield - World  archaeology at MAA (second floor)

Remembering the McDonald - seminar in the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research

5.00pm - 8.00 pm

Talks by Deborah Swallow and Sir David Wilson in the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Wine Reception

Saturday 28th February

9.30am in the Cripps Auditorium of Magdalene College

Plenary session with Jean LaFontaine,  John Mulvaney, Ian Tattersall and others

Panels on subthemes: Theory, Fieldwork, Science and Deep Time, Africa, The Mediterranean and Maritime, Beyond the Academy, Collaboration and Engagement, The Life of the Tripos

Plenary concluding sessions ending by 6.30 pm

Dinner will take place in two colleges: Magdalene (240 places in four locations) and St. Johns (50 places in the Wordsworth Room) at 7.30pm.

The Bookings are now CLOSED.

A full conference programme is here. An explanation of the organisation of the two days can be found here

Whom would you like to record and hear talk about their lives?

Please  send your thoughts to


centennial picture in text

Saturday, 28 February, 2015 - 09:30 to 21:00
Contact name: 
Pamela Jane Smith
Event location: 
Magdalene College, Cripps Conference Centre